The Geshe Tsulga

Non-Profit Corporation

for Sera Je House #2A Monks and Affiliates, inc.

Geshe Jamyang Tashi

Geshe Jamyang Tashi at Thicksay Monastery in Ladak

Geshe Jamyang Tashi is originally from Ladakh, India, and took his ordination vows at Thiksey Monastery (Ladakh) from H.E. Thiksey Rinpoche Ngawang Jamyang Chamba Tenzin. He was sent to Sera to study from his home in Ladakh in 1986 where he swiftly became a student of Geshe Tsulga. His quick mind and dedication earned him the respect of both his peers and teachers.

He enthusiastically supported this, so I began the program by sponsoring three of his students. Jamyang Tashi was one of the first, along with Venerable Thupten Derjee who is now a Geshe and teaches at the Sera Jey school, and a nephew of Geshe Tsulga’s, Rinchen Gyelson, who has since returned to Tibet.


Geshe Jamyang Tashi became a Geshe Lharampa in 2011 finishing at the top of his class. (Lharampa Geshe is the highest degree one can attain from Sera Jey.) He went on to complete his doctorate at the Gyuto Tantric college and is responsible for the twenty or more monks at the Ladakh House at Sera Jey.

He recently I Joined the National Seminar on The Significance of Madhyamikalankara in the Development of Madhyamik System at Central Institute of Buddhist Studies. His hard work and dedication to preserving the Dharma has been well recognized. He is a shining example of why this organization exists.

A very big part of the vision for the Geshe Tsulga Non-Profit Corporation is to keep the Dharma alive by supporting those whose dedication will one day be able to teach and spread it in a meaningful way. Geshe Jamyang Tashi is wonderful example of this. He has personally thanked me many times for sponsoring him all these years and has said how much it has helped him in his studies.


Andrea and I are very humbled by his praises and prayers for us, after all we only sent a check once a year; he did all the hard work. I will tell you, that it is a wonderful feeling to know we played a part in helping him accomplish so much. From his many students at Sera Jey to his many students in Ladakh, Geshe Jamyang Tashi is an outstanding example of why the Geshe Tsulga Non-Profit exists.


I hope this helps you understand the impact and the enormous value your support and commitment has on your sponsored. If you would like to know more about life at Sera Jey Monastic University check out my 30 minute documentary “Path to Geshe” for free on Vimeo. . If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to any of the Board Members of the Geshe Tsulga Non-Profit Corporation.

-William C. Judge

Board President and Founder