The Geshe Tsulga

Non-Profit Corporation

for Sera Je House #2A Monks and Affiliates, inc.

The Founders of House 2 at Sera Jey. Geshe Pema Tsering, Geshe Shakya Sonam, Geshe Tsulga

30 Year Annual Appeal!

The Geshe Tsulga Non-Profit Corporation

for Sera Je House 2A Monks and Affiliates, Inc.


October 26, 2023


Dear Sponsor,


Tashi Delek! We hope this letter finds you in good health and happiness.


This is a landmark year for all of us, giving us reason to celebrate the Dharma. Due to Geshe Tsulga’s incredible compassion, prayers and blessings; due to the foresight and vision of Bill Judge; due to the hard work and dedication of Venerable Tsun-ma; due to your generous contributions, large and small, this organization has been assisting monks, nuns and refugees for . . . 30 years!


We are planning to hold a special gathering, along with the Kurukulla Center community, Geshe Tenley and the monks and affiliates of House 2A, on Sunday, November 12 at 11:00 am. We cordially extend an invitation to you, interested family and friends. If you are in the area, please join us at Kurukulla Center, or online via Zoom. It will be a celebration, a chance to visit and connect, and will also include special prayers and practices. The anniversary of Geshe Tsulga’s passing is in November, so this gathering will have added significance.


Geshe Tsulga Non-Profit 30th Anniversary Celebration

** Save the Date: Sunday, November 12, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM **


In-person at Kurukulla Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies, 68 Magoun Ave, Medford, MA


As we kick off our 2024 Annual Appeal, we ask you to please send us your annual sponsorship now. Your generosity will support your monk, nun and/or refugee in the coming year. As you share this with friends and family, be sure to make them aware that we also accept one-time donations. We are a 501(c)(3) organization, so your contribution is tax deductible. Donations of any amount, no matter how small or large, are greatly appreciated. As always, 100% of your donation goes to the monk, nun or affiliate you sponsor. Operating costs, such as PayPal and bank fees, are covered by donations made specially for this purpose and by our volunteer Board of Directors.


If you would like to include the Geshe Tsulga Non-Profit in your estate planning, please let us know. We can help.


We plan to wire funds to India in early February, so please make your donation no later than January 20 (and rejoice in what you are supporting)!


Your 2024 Donation may be sent via our website:


Or you may send a check to:


The Geshe Tsulga Non-Profit Corporation

175 Mountain Street

Sharon, MA 02067-2236


Also, please visit our website and Facebook page and be sure to share:



Thanks again for your generous support. We rejoice in your positive activities!


Please be well,



Harry Duvall


Annual Donation